Bag making machine is a machine for making various kinds of plastic bags or bags of other materials. Its processing scope is different sizes and thicknesses of plastic bags or bags of other materials. Plastic bags are the main products.
Tension test of bag-making machine:
Keeping the material tension constant and controlling the tension fluctuation are important factors to increase the production efficiency and control the bag-making quality. Tension detection is the basic premise of tension control.
There are two kinds of tension sensor of traditional bag making machine: direct measurement and indirect measurement. Direct measurement of tension sensor has a socket type, such as excitation coil and the second class of the magnetic needle of the tension sensor coil, second class coil for sensor, when magnetic components in measuring direction is subject to mechanical stress on the phenomenon of magnetic lotus root, second class on the coil and mechanical force is proportional to the induced voltage signal, through signal processing, Output a tension signal proportional to the size of the mechanical force; The varistor type tension sensor is mounted between the bearing and the frame to record the horizontal tension of the drum, and the corresponding amplifier is used to supply the full bridge voltage and process the measured signal. The output signal of the amplifier is proportional to the radial force and can be used for digital display or as the instantaneous value of the closed loop. There is also a plate spring type micro-displacement tension sensor. Direct tension sensor has the advantages of wide detection range, fast response speed and good linearity. The disadvantage is that it can not absorb the peak tension. When the tension control system is disturbed strongly, the system has no time to react, and the range of the tension of the material belt is large.
Indirect tension detection is essentially a position control, and floating roller tension detection is commonly used. When the tension is stable, the tension of the material belt is balanced with the force of the cylinder, so that the floating roller is in the middle position. When the tension changes, the position of the floating roller will rise or fall. The floating roller potentiometer will detect the change of the position of the floating roller, and it will feed back the position signal to the tension controller. The controller will calculate and output the control signal.
Combining the direct and indirect tension detection methods, the signal of floating roller position and the tension electrical signal output by the sensor can be detected simultaneously, which has a good buffering and stabilizing effect, and also has the characteristics of high precision and high repeatability of closed-loop control.
Another according to the diameter of tension testing ways, to install in the scroll of proximity switch to detect the scroll speed, and through the setting of scroll diameter initial value and the thickness of the material, the cumulative calculation for winding or the diameter of the drum of the current, the output control signal according to the variation of roll diameter, rolled to control winding torque or regulated torque, so as to adjust the tension.
Bag making machine deviation detection:
In the process of material transmission, due to various reasons such as uneven force, uneven thickness, roundness of traction roller and so on, the position of horizontal direction may be deviated, and on-line deviation detection should be carried out in time.
At the early stage, the speed of bag-making machine was not high, and the material deviation was manually adjusted by the operator according to the actual observation on the spot.
Because the photoelectric sensor has simple structure, stable performance, high precision and fast reaction, we use the photoelectric sensor edge different color area dividing line of packaging material tracking, readout strip actual location and setting the position offset, the offset is converted to electrical signal amplification and to compare, after operation and analysis, Send instructions to the servo controller to control the motor drive correction guide mechanism, the strip will be returned to the set position, to achieve the purpose of automatic transmission tracking adjustment.